Sunday, February 6, 2011


On Friday, I hung out with Michaela, Sam and this other guy from my ward, Cory. Just plain, old, hanging out. This would have been the weekend for my blind date, but my date, Grant, couldn't make it this weekend...But he is coming (he was like, Megan, I'm so sorry, I'll make it up to you, I swear! cute. haha). Anywayyy, my Friday activities. We attempted to go to the last swim meet against Utah...that didn't work out. But we did go to this place to eat called Redrock, which was good. Then we went to the dollar theater (which really was $2 haha) to watch probably the DUMBEST, SLOWEST, MOST BORING MOVIE IN THE WORLD. It's called Fair Game and I honestly thought I was going to sleep...Sam told me he tried to fall asleep, it was that bad haha. So we got up and left. Waste of time. Don't see it. But other than that, it was a fun evening.

The Group: Sam, Me, Cory, Michaela

Saturday was sooo fun! Basically, Alison, her friend Tungaa, Tungaa's roommate, Victoria, their friend who's name I forget, and I went party hopping. The first party was to a Mongolian party (full of RMs who spoke Mongolian in their missions). The second was a birthday party for Victoria's friend...who happens to be a Ukrainian model and was titled Mr. Ukraine (and was a semi-finalist in Mr. World). Honestly, Alison and I freaked out. We have never met a man more beautiful haha. And he was so nice and not snobby at all... <3 haha Then the third party was a dance party with the RM Mongolian speakers again. Let's just say, that party made me sooo excited for my next ward! haha 
Guys, I'm dead serious about this. I did meet him. No joke. 

Today was Stake Conference. Elder Russell M. Nielson (Quorum of the 12) and Elder Lund (Quorum of the 70) came to speak with us. Many things were said, but one of the tidbits was about MARRIAGE. Go figure. Elder Nielson also said "you don't need to worry about the future if you are yoked with the Lord in your sojourn of life". Then the Relief Society women in our Stake had a Fireside with Sister Julie B. Beck, Relief Society General President. I absolutely loved the meeting and felt like I really needed to hear what was being said...For most of the meeting it was "Q&A". Here are my notes.
  • What can we do to prepare and grow spiritually while our friends prepare for their missions?
    • More YW are needed to serve missions. We should prepare the same way the YM are. It is a prize to be able to serve a mission.
  • What can we do to not get "worn out" in RS?
    • Faith, Family, Relief: increase faith, strengthen family, and provide relief to others (purpose of RS). It will help us prepare for the blessings of eternal life--it is not just a class.
    • Tired = thinking of yourself; Energized = thinking of others/the Atonement.
    • Devote oneself to the Lord.
  • Charity Never Faileth--how do we live the motto?
    • Tie yourself to the Spirit
    • D&C 11: 12-14
      • Leads us to do good
      • Mind is enlightened (able to learn, get bright ideas)
      • Walk humbly
      • Filled with joy
      • Judge righteously
    • Always act on promptings
    • To feel, recognize and act on the Spirit is the most important skill we can attain in this life.
  • What can we do to give hope to our future children in a fearful world?
    • 2 Timothy 3: 2-4
    • D&C 1: 19-23
    • Teach them faith (your faith and pass it on)
    • Family--strong families are not an accident; requires strong mothers/wives (two words: Stripling Warriors)
    • We can see miracles, we can call upon the Lord
      • Moroni 7--day of miracles has not ceased
  • How do we balance/prioritize as we plan our future?
    • Learn to prioritize!!!
    • Essential things: pray, read scriptures (she said that every day is scripture day haha), stay clean (qualify for a temple recommend), go to church
    • Temple is the grand prize--not missions or marriage because you prepare to enter the temple before anything else.
    • Prepare for "the day" today
    • Necessary things: eat, exercise, clean, self-reliant
    • Nice to do list does not save you. If you have time to do those thigns but not the essential/necessary list, you lose power
    • If you make decisions on the eternal plan, your decisions will be easier. If you make decisions on the world's standards, you will struggle.
    • Having children is not a lifestyle choice. It is a Gospel choice.
  • How do we find out what our divine mission is?
    • "Divine Mission" sometimes gets confused with personal choice. Our mission = work towards the Gospel plan. It will not be different from the others. The Holy Ghost works line upon line--small moments will help us know what to do.
    • The Lord always rewards people who use common sense. If something is stupid to do, its stupid to do. Make decisions lined up with the Lord and you will always be safe.
    • 2 Nephi 28: 20-22 (be watchful of...)
      • Anger (verse 20)
      • Apathy (21)
      • Flattery, entitlement (22)--Nobody owes you anything. We owe the Savior everything!
  • How do you deal with feelings of inadequacy? 
    • We all are inadequate--get over it! haha
    • We are mortal beings, we are inadequate. It is the Lord that makes us strong. Work to get the Lord's help and feelings of adequacy will grow.
  • How do we remember our divine qualities during moments of trial and heartache?
    • Moses 5:11--Eve had good and bad experiences, but she was happy and grateful (children, knowledge of good/bad, opportunity to have eternal life). It is the Lord's plan--He will help us be more like Him.
  • Some family members left the church. How can we help them?
    • Always testify faith. Teach and testify. Pray for inspiration. We forgive, He heals. Help others to the best of your abilities.
The rest was part of her "lesson"...
    • There will always be issues--get over it! haha
      • You are assigned because you are an agent to the bishop, who is the sheperd of the ward. Pray every day for the sisters you teach.
    • Simply visiting is not 100%. Serve them!
    • Understand the value of education
    • Use it to benefit your family
    • The world needs strong spirits--we will raise the strong spirits. Lean upon the Lord and use every bit of information you know.
  • You will never be misaligned if you follow the plan.
  • Help YM honor their Priesthood.
  • You were not dropped out of Heaven in the middle of nothing (I think that's one of my favorite quotes. It tells me I have a purpose and a destiny. I was not an accident but put here for a specific purpose).
Wow, that was long. But I hope you enjoyed it.  :]

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