Friday, February 25, 2011

Rhetorical Analysis Reflection/Day 4/Beautiful Boy #1

"This should be a reflection on the RA process.  How did it go? Good/bad?  What worked well, what didn't?  More or less difficult than the OpEd?  What could you have done better?  What could I have done better, or the department, or whatever?  What would you change about it?  And so forth."--from my professor's blog AKA the homework assignment.

The RA process went well as far as getting things done. What didn't work well with me is that we had to analyse--yes, I know that's the whole point of the assignment. But I'm more of writer (?) I guess, so I really did not like the whole assignment. Aside from that, I liked how we had the same process of completing the essay (with the two rough drafts, conference with Chris, peer reviews--I actually liked the groups better, etc). I think it was more difficult than the OpEd simply because I dislike straight analyzing. But I survived and I did learn a lot from it. 

Addiction by Ryan Leslie feat. Cassie and Fabolous

Now for the non-homework aspect. Day 4 = A habit that you wish you didn't have. There aren't many things I would change about myself. But if I had to choose, it'd be my love of food. I wish I didn't love it so much haha. I am "addicted" to food (hey, there's the connection to the music video! haha). Now don't get me wrong, food is wonderful...but too much of a good thing turns bad. I'm slowly falling into the "bad" side. Darn.

Okay, so story time! You know how you see someone (in my case, a boy--er, man) in your class and you're like, 'dang, I really want to talk to him/her'. Well...I'll admit it, that was me with one of the "Beautiful Boys" in my weight training class. But I really hated that I wanted to because they would always stare at themselves in the mirror when they lifted...I also called them the "Obnoxious Boys" (some of you might remember them from my other posts about them, where I basically make fun of them haha). Anyway! So yesterday was the last weight training class (which is really sad, because I LOVE WEIGHT TRAINING CLASS! I honestly wanted to cry haha). So my partner, Chelsea, and I go over to do lat-pull-downs and this is how our conversation went:
Chelsea: So did you do anything fun this weekend (we didn't have class on Tuesday, so we had a lot to catch up on...)
Me: Well I went to the Ke$ha concert on Friday (cue Beautiful Boy!)
BB: You went to the Ke$ha concert???
Me: Yeah, did you?
BB: No, I was going to go, but my friend asked me if I wanted to go to Idaho, so I did that instead. 
Me: You didn't go to the Ke$ha concert and went to Idaho instead? What's in Idaho besides potatoes?
BB (he totally laughed btw haha): There's more when you served your mission there...
Me: Oh okay, well that's an acceptable reason.
Chelsea: Yeah, meeting your missionary people over a satanic how was it?

I went into detail, from where it was, the opening act, the crazy people I met...BB laughed but eventually left. Now fast forward to the end of class. To set the scene, I had just finished asking my professor if we could keep coming at the same time...
BB: So are you guys going to keep coming?
Chelsea: Oh yeah, we're planning on it.
BB: Oh sweet, so I guess I'll see you around. What are your names?
Chelsea: Chelsea.
Me: Megan. (BB shakes our hands)
BB: It's nice to meet you. I'm Ryan. I feel like I've seen you around on campus...(Chelsea and I give a quick look).
Both of us: Oh cool. Well we'll see you Tuesday at 5.

Then we walked out...and Chelsea just freaked out! She started rambling how he knew she was engaged and how he TOTALLYYY came over to talk to me, yada yada...haha. But honestly, I could NOT stop smiling. Beautiful Boy #1 finally talked to me. Twice. And I'll see him Tuesday. The whole thing makes me so excited, I just start rambling gibberish. And speaking of's another song I'm addicted to haha. Enjoy and have a fabulous weekend!

Gibberish by Ryan really does sound like gibberish. But it sounds so good! :]


  1. I really enjoyed reading your paper! I also think that the Peer Review was a lot more helpful this time around! Thats awesome that you are a free writer.. it was weird I actually found that it is easier for me to analyze how the audience might respond to something than to talk about how I felt!

  2. Haha thanks Kimberly! That's kind of funny you thought the analyzing part was easier! Wish that was the case for me! haha

  3. Your blog page is so intense, I love it! Anyways, I know what you mean about being a free writer. I was always way more interested in creative writing and the RA was not very lenient to ones creative flow, if you know what I mean, haha. Nonetheless, I think it was a good experience overall. Hopefully all the hard work pays off!


  4. Thanks! And I totally agree...the RA was rough to get through that's for sure. haha
