Sunday, January 30, 2011

I Used To Want To Be A Figure Skater

My inspiration: Michelle Kwan

It's a true fact. I wanted to be an figure skater, like Michelle Kwan, instead of dance. But now, it is safe to say, I have no aspiration to become one, now as a 19 year old (I'm pretty sure at this time, half of my career would be over by now anyway haha). 

Now why am I talking about figure skating? Well, that's what I did on Friday night, and let's just say, I struggled most of the time. My grace and poise has left me thats for sure...either that, or I've become more afraid of falling, and my nerves got the best of me. But it was sooo much fun. I went with Alison, Michaela, Sam and Alex. Sam and Michaela seemed pretty much pro, Alison and I were around the same skill level (like half of Sam and Michaela's) and poor Alex held onto the railing most of the time haha. At one point, Michaela and I skated with this five-year-old girl who was trying to learn how to skate and dragged her along...she kept laughing and shouting, "faster, faster!"...she was adorable. 

 Alex, Michaela, Sam
 Alex, showing off his "snowified" backside. He got it from falling down.
 Alison, Me, Michaela
 Michaela and Sam...such a cute couple.
Alex...who cannot be serious in a picture.

But before the ice skating, the group and I went to this place called The Pie. We all shared a 23" (or was it 28"?) pizza and it was glorious. We didn't finish...but it was so delicious. 

 Our pizza. And for the record, Alison is RIGHT NEXT to the pizza...not BEHIND it, so really that just shows how huge that pizza was. Delish.
The Pie. Yes, we crossed into U of U territory, but we survived.

We also got to see Michaela's parents and see where she lived. Her family seemed very nice.  :]

At the end of the night, or early morning, Alison and I got my two beds together and had a sleepover. 

Then Saturday came and Alison and I took our tests in the testing center, then spent an hour and a half in the cadaver lab attempting to master the different muscles in the arms...just for the record, I held one, which was kind of cool. Actually, it really was, once I got past the fact that the muscles felt extremely cold and squishy. Then after all that hard work, we treated ourselves to a little Grey's Anatomy. We are in the third season at the moment. Crazy good stuff going on, let me tell you...

Now its Sunday. Went to church (it was Fast Sunday today), got a new Sunday school teacher (he's actually really cute), and went to Relief Society. The rest of my day involves: Book of Mormon homework (aka, reading), Visiting Teaching, making rounds for VT/seeing how everyone likes their teachers, hanging out with Alex in hopes of making him a G.A. fan and going to Ward Prayer. All in all, a fabulous Sunday and a even more fabulous weekend.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

OpEd Blog Post--Afterthoughts

Write a blog post reflecting on the OpEd process.  How did it go?  What went well?  What didn't go well?  How do you think it could have gone better?  What could you/I have done differently to make it easier?  How did this compare to other papers you've written?  And so forth . . .

The OpEd process seemed to be fine. It seemed a lot smoother in comparison to my AmHtg essays or high school essays. I thought the process of making multiple drafts and meeting with Prof. Husberg and a Writing Lab TA really helped. The peer reviews were also useful. I thought the individual segments of the process in the present moment I had to work on them didn't go so well...if that makes sense. Like at the time, I hated the drafts and going to the Writing Lab TA (she was a some piece of work). I think it could have gone better if I met up with the TA earlier, so I would have had more opportunities to have someone look over my revisions. I think I could have made it easier if I didn't wait until a day or two before the actual assignment segment was due. Compared to my other papers, I feel like this one has a better stand on the issue, simply because the drafts and reviewing helped organize my thoughts. Overall, I enjoyed the process. 

As far as my day's concerned...its too late to tell any of it. I'm too tired. Tomorrow's another day and I'll tell it then. 

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Yesterday Was Probably The Best Day Of My Life

Highlights of yesterday:

  • My future husband, Jimmer Fredette, was amazing during the BYU/SDSU basketball game. Okay, he's not my future husband...unfortunately haha. But still, he was fantastic. He scored 43 points out of BYU's 71 (and SDSU scored 58). And SDSU was (previously) ranked 4th in the Nation and we were ranked 9th. I freaked out when we won...I decided that if Mormons believed in idolatry, Jimmer Fredette would be our golden cow. 
  • I survived my first PDBio lab with CADAVERS! Yes, I did. I didn't pass out or need to leave the room for air...I just held onto the table for dear life and tried to focus on what the TAs were saying. And I succeeded. So for all those who thought I was going to be visited by the EMS, you clearly underestimated my abilities...and I think the Cannon Center is serving some humble pie as dessert. Just in case you're interested haha...I really hope I didn't just jinx myself. 
Now back to the present...Today consisted of classes, studying human anatomy terms with Alison and her brother, Bryan, spending an hour in the cadaver lab (yes, I did it a second time), watched a Grey's Anatomy show (had a hugeeee cliff hanger), and babysat for my cousin Lindsey, while she and her husband, Kaleb, went to the temple. All in all, a productive day. 
The beautiful Provo temple. Not my favorite, but still beautiful...

Tomorrow. Will. Be. So. Much. Fun. I only have one class...then after class, I'm going to work out, watch the  Grey's Anatomy season finale (second season), then go on my SLC trip with Michaela, Alison, Sam, and Alex. We're planning on going to dinner and ice skating! Then after that, Alison, Michaela and I are going to put my two beds together and watch some more Grey's Anatomy since we both love it so much...the perfect Friday in my eyes. Sooo excited!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Peer Reviews (WRTG HW) and More

What are your first impressions of the peer review process?  Was it useful to you?  If so, how?  In what ways do you think it could be better?

My first impressions of the peer review process were...hesitant. I've never been a fan of strangers reading my work (silly, I know), but it really wasn't that bad! It definitely was useful for me to get positive feedback/constructive criticism. It set my mind at ease on some of my concerned and made me feel more confident about my essays potential. I think it could have been better if we had more time...I felt very rushed trying to be a good "reviewer". But other than that, I thought the whole process was great.

(Semi-funny story that ties along with this picture/my homework response--I typed up "peer reviews for essays" under the Creative Commons Search website and came up with this picture...I was like, wow, that really has nothing to do with peer reviews or essays in general. So I came up with this--this picture is "symbolic" because it demonstrates how sometimes when we're doing our own thing we can cause problems and chaos in our work. Paying attention to others (and what they have to say) helps guide our course...which we can see, the drivers were doing their own thing. I think this analogy is a win.) :]

Now for my non-homework related portion. This weekend was so much fun! I watched Grey's Anatomy (seriously, I'm hooked), went to a swim meet, went to open lab for PDBio, and hung out with the gang as we played pool/watched the basketball game (can I just say, I'm in love with Jimmer?). Really, it doesn't seem like much, but it was actually a lot of fun. 
Swimmers warming up...

As far as this week is has been ridiculously long. Holy cow. And it's only Tuesday...these 7 AM classes are making my days really rough. But other than that, life is good! Peace out, boy scouts.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

I Love Free-Write Posts

Thank you, Writing and Rhetoric! Since it's free-write, I won't change the color (I know, sad!), but anyway, here's what I have to say (which is typically what I normally say anyway). After the weekend, let's just say that this week was rough! I honestly wanted to skip ASL so bad because I was so tired (by the way, our ASL teacher cancelled class on Tuesday at 6:20 AM...a girl looked at her email at 7:05 AM and we all were like crap we could have slept in! Oh well...). But I survived and that's all that matters...

To make things quick, because I still have things to do, I'm just going to write a list of all the post-worthy moments I had the past few we go!

  • I survived my first PDBio quiz...emphasis on SURVIVED haha. But really, I'm starting to enjoy the class more...once I get past the fact that I'll be looking at real, dead bodies, I'm actually amazed with the way our bodies function. Its remarkable to think why we have certain bones in certain places and what their purposes are...God created PERFECT bodies and we can do beautiful things with them. It makes me more grateful for the one I've been given...hopefully this newfound attitude will help with the class. 
  • The PDBio TA and this guy in my lab are really cute. The guy looks like Ryan joke. But they're both short...Darn!
  • My weight training partner is engaged! She's so sweet--she's one of the reasons why I like weight training. And next week we're going to go "classic skating"...I've never been and when I told her, she was like, "Megan! We are going!"...I'm so excited!
  • I get reminded daily of how much I love having my own room...its absolutely glorious. 
  • One one of the days my ASL teacher was sick, we had a deaf sub. Let's just say, he could tell I was struggling, so he'd have me do extra things and watch me more than the others...but he was really funny and nice about it...I think haha. 
  • I got to skype Melissa today
  • I wrote my friend Jameson a letter two days ago
  • I was in the gym and I was on the treadmill at first but then I saw an elliptical machine open, so I hopped off the machine and turned around...the treadmill next to me apparently had a short plug-in cord, so as I turned and took a step, I pulled the plug out of the socket (hello, it was about 6 inches off the ground! I don't think it was completely my fault...) and the treadmill completely stopped...and the runner on it almost fell off. It was bad. And embarrassing. And I'm pretty sure the man swore in frustration as he swatted the machine with this sweat rag...Really, I was terrified. I kept apologizing and he was like, "Its fine"...but I knew it wasn' after the third apology, I ran to the elliptical machine. Scary haha
  • Something I forgot to mention, last Thursday, Condoleezza Rice spoke at a forum at BYU. I loved it! I used to think she was this scary, too-serious, powerhouse...But then I realized I only got the "powerhouse" part right. She was so funny and well-educated and just completely inspiring. She talked about our National Myth--the log cabin and that it doesn't matter where you came from; it matters where you are going. She also talked about how we should all take courses that challenge us, because we will gain a higher satisfaction and appreciation for them. All in all, I loved the forum and I am so glad I went. 
Wow, that was ridiculously long. But a fun read, right? Anyway, that's been my week update. Lovin' life, including the demands of college. Super excited for this weekend... :]

Monday, January 17, 2011

I Love Three-Day Weekends

Saturday was so much fun! I went to go see Burlesque with Alison L., David, Michael F., Ashlyn, Claire and Alison's friends Greg and Cody. It was so good! Not really appropriate for guys...but for girls it was great! The music was amazing! Loved it--and Hailey, don't watch also should be rated PG-College Age + Female haha. Then we went to go to the STOPLIGHT DANCE! Aka, BYU's way of getting single people into relationships (couples wear red, people in a complicated relationship wear yellow, and single people wear green!). So I wore black hehe. Then we hung out with Liz and her Heritage friends. 

Sunday I went to Sacrament meeting then I went to my Aunt Karen's house! All my relatives came by and had dinner and played games...we (my cousin, Lindsey, her husband, Kaleb, their kid, Ethan, and I) left around 1 A.M. We're party animals!

Today, Monday, I didn't have school. The day consisted of school readings, hanging out with Alison, dinner with Lindsey, Emily and Ethan, and going to see the Southridge Apts. 

Fun, fun, fun weekend.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Going Back to My Old Ways...

Sorry for the lack of posts! This week has been ridiculously demanding and exhausting, but I'll do my best to fill you guys in. Tuesday...shoot, I don't remember much. Wednesday, I went to my PDBio lab...holy cow, so many things to memorize! Thursday, I accidentally insulted someone from Utah. Oops (but I did apologize and we're good actually got us talking more haha). Friday, today, I got my "nerd" on in a nerd dance. Alison and I had some hawtttt dance moves.

Anyway, that's really it, or at least what I can remember...I think when I'm stressed I don't remember much of my day besides school...kind of a problem.

Agenda for tomorrow:

  • Possibly look at apts. 
  • Go see Burlesque at the dollar theatre
  • Homework
  • Clean
  • Anything else thats fun

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

OpEd Purpose Statement

As I explained in an earlier blog post, my topic is on Facebook and Facebook friendships. I, the speaker, think that BYU students (or students in general--the audience) should reevaluate their perception on friendship and delete unnecessary Facebook friends. This problem of friending everyone and anyone we associate with needs to stop--Facebook has promoted stalking and unmeaningful relationships. As far as the rhetoric cycle is concerned, I think it is still in an origin stage--it has never been talked about amongst people our age (more of older people and our use of technology). But I do feel that if it is addressed, people will reevaluate their idea of "friendship" and "Facebook" and the correlation between the two. It has the potential to be kairotic. Counterarguments may be that you need to communicate with someone you aren't friends with--that is fine. Its when you don't associate with the person for pleasure or a specific purpose and yet find the need to know things about their life that's the problem. 

Monday, January 10, 2011

This Is The Monday That Never Ends...

Honestly, I was so frustrated with today, I could've punched a wall. Why?

  • I was (am) completely exhausted
  • PDBio is killing me. I had my lecture today on embryology and all I got from it was really that if I plan on getting pregnant I should eat a lot of folic acid to help speed up the sealing process of some tube thing...I don't know...there are too many terms.
  • I had to fight myself to stay awake in Book of teacher is very dry.
  • I had to be in the same car with my passive aggressive cousin...she would not survive Virginia traffic. I'm so tempted to ask her to drive her car...because her driving scares me. Not because its too fast, but because its too slow.
  • I had to wait for my cousin's meds that were supposed to be ready to pick up in 15 minutes...turns out 15 minutes lasted almost an hour. 
  • We got lost/made wrong turns/took the long way home/got honked at a billion times by rude Provo drivers.
  • Turns out, Target doesn't have the Moisturizer+Sunscreen I need
  • I feel so drained from petty drama. I can't escape it, even at BYU.

    But enough about the negative. Now that it's all out there, I can move on...I will close with things I am grateful for...the tender mercies God gave to me on this stressful, never ending day.

    • I was able to stay awake in ASL and was able to comprehend how to play "who stole the cookies from the cookie jar".
    • We got out almost 30 minutes early from ASL
    • I had breakfast with Alison, Miles and a girl in my ASL class
    • I was able to finish reading my Book of Mormon homework
    • God helped me stay awake in Book of Mormon
    • I was able to read about embryology 
    • My cousin was able to drive me to the store
    • I was able to get most of the things I needed
    • I have a great family and wonderful friends

      The End. Now back to work...

      Sunday, January 9, 2011

      Weekend Update.

      This weekend was busy, busy, busy.

      On Saturday I went to a baptism! A girl from my ward, Kexin, is from China and she decided to be baptized. The actual baptism and confirmation of the Holy Ghost was given in Chinese...even though I had no idea what was being said, I still felt the Spirit. It is amazing to feel such a know the Church is true, when words aren't understood, but the feelings are.

      1100 Taylor Hall Girls

      Then following the baptism, Michaela, Jonni, Sam H., Michael and I went to go see RED. So funny! What made it extra funny was this guy's laugh. It was so infectious. 

      Today, Sunday, was a good day. I enjoyed Sacrament meeting and Relief Society the most. The Spirit was so strong. All in all, an uplifting Sunday. :]

      Friday, January 7, 2011

      OpEd Brainstorm/Gratitude

      Writing and Rhetoric Homework:

      To be honest, I'm not sure if this is exactly what I want to talk about. I'm still debating between different topics, but I firmly believe that Facebook has perverted our sense of "friendship" with our peers. Before I got a Facebook, I made friends the "old-fashion" way, meaning starting off as acquaintances, getting to know their likes and dislikes and hanging out with them. But now, with Facebook, it seems like if you're simply suggested to be someone's friend, then you must, even if you met the person once or have over 20 mutual friends. I've had a personal experience where I deleted the people I hadn't talked to in ages or had to talk to through clubs in high school, but never outside of the club. After that, I got so many friend requests from the same people I deleted and really wasn't friends with in high school. I thought, "Really, people? High school is over! You weren't a big part of my life in high school and you most certainly aren't now that I'm thousands of miles away from home". So I deleted the request again. Turns out it upset some people more than others and they got mad, swear words and all, simply saying they wanted to be my friend. Well in my book, "being friends" doesn't mean stalking my life through a social network. It means talking to me, seeing how I'm doing, wanting to spend genuine time together...unfortunately some of my almost 500 people I deleted awhile ago didn't think so. So, class, what do you think? Good topic? Or should I change my topic?


      Now for my day! Today was actually a really good day. I had one class, I got to take a nap, I got to workout. I talked to my mom and dad for over two hours. I'm (slowly) cleaning my room.

      I also feel a lot happier too...the past few days were really hard for me. I got some news that I really was struggling to accept. I knew I couldn't change things, so I had no choice but to accept it, but getting to that point was hard. But now, after a lot of tears, prayer, and supportive family and friends, I know I'll be able to get through it. My mom told me, "God brought us to it and He'll help us through it". I know this is true and I can only trust in His will. But this new experience has helped strengthen my testimony and gratitude for many things, like:

      • The Atonement--Its not solely for the purpose of repentance. Christ felt every pain we have felt, are feeling and will feel. He knows every sadness, every unhappiness and every form of hurt we will feel in this life. Maybe no one on the earth knows our exact pain we are in, but Christ does. I felt so much comfort from this, knowing that I am not alone.
      • Temple Marriages--No matter what, I will be sealed to the people I love most in this world. I can be with them forever, and not just until death. We will always be a family.
      • My health/body--Before this life, every soul on earth fought to receive a body, because we wanted to be just like God and become like Him and we knew that bodies were necessary to achieve that. We knew just how special and precious they were and I'm so grateful for the body I've been given. It isn't perfect, but I'm so blessed with what I do have. I can walk. I can move my arms. I can jump. I can climb. I can think. I can speak. I can do anything I set my mind to. I'm healthy.
      • Trials--Of course I'm grateful for my blessings, but if anything, I'm more grateful for my trials (which sometimes I like to call "blessings in disguise"). I'm given them because God has faith in me and knows I can overcome them. He wants me to be just like Him and He's giving me the necessary experiences to grow into the person I'm striving to be. As long as I remain faithful, I can accomplish anything.
      Well that's really it. My day wasn't eventful physically in my outside world...but it was on the inside. :]

      Thursday, January 6, 2011

      So Much For Writing Everyday

      Before I dive in, here's a side note to my WRITING AND RHETORIC class, anything titled for the class or in a "BYU Blue" are specifically for our class. My first homework post is just below! :]

      Anywayyyy...Gah, its only the first week and its so incredibly stressful! There have been so many moments and incidents that have made me put my life on hold...while the rest of the world keeps moving. Slowww downnnn, please.

      Let's see, blog-worthy moments that have happened...

      Well for starters, my roommate moved out. Single rooms never felt so good. And we're both happy about it. We left on good terms and now we both have our own rooms and everything we wanted. Best of wishes to your new place, Alison N.

      As far as classes go, I can pretty much tell you all that my trash will be kicked by them. Let me explain why, so you can see my worry. You might become a little sympathetic...or just find a good laugh and think, "...sucker".

      For starters, Human Anatomy (PDBio 220), you are going to kill me. Too many parts to memorize for each system. Add a real picture of a body organ or muscle or tendon and I feel like I could throw up whatever is in my stomach at the moment. There's a reason I didn't even consider becoming a nurse...which, ironically, is required for them as well as us, Communication Disorders kids. I just can't escape it, can I?

      ASL (American Sign Language) will also be a challenge. Its 101 or something like that, so it shouldn't be hard, but so far, all I know is how to introduce myself. I know it's only been my second class (high expectations? maybe...), but still, if the professor (Jean) doesn't spell it out, I'm pretty much lost...and even if she does, that's a mental workout. Oh please, let me pass/become an ASL genius! And did I mention that we have to SIGN daily devotionals in front of the class...meaning SIGN SCRIPTURES AND HYMNS??? you see my point. What the heck is "brethren" or "righteous" or "Nephites" in sign language? Maybe I'll stick with "And my father dwelt in a tent"...

      Intro to Communication Disorders shouldn't be that bad. It's just a bunch of information THROWN at you. Like holy bajoly, we have to remember all these different methods and theories? I know, that's college for you, but you'd think intro classes would be easier. At least the teacher is hilarious...

      Book of Mormon Pt 1...the teacher is making me incredibly worried. I mean, hello, I've been Mormon my whole life, I know the BOM. Do I know the history well?....Uhhhh....No? Not really? Well lucky me, my teacher just so happens to be in LOVE with ancient Christianity and every single historical fact about it. So I'm pretty darn sure he'll be drilling the history into our minds. He made one point very clear, "Tests scores do not reflect your testimony"...well, I'm certainly glad for that!

      Writing and Rhetoric seems good (and I'm not just saying that because this has now been temporarily converted to my blog for the class as well haha). It just seems so overwhelming with everything we have to combination with the other trillion things I need to do in other classes. I know its the beginning of the semester and I have a whole semester to do it...but still. I do like the people and professor though. I think despite the work, I'll enjoy the class.

      Last but not least is weight training. Let me just say, I think my professor is adorable...not in a cute, young, handsome way (if you got that impression, shame on you for not reading my previous blog post haha...kidding!), but in an old, grandfatherly way. We haven't even lifted a single weight, but I know I'm going to enjoy it.

      Well...that's it for now. Thank goodness Friday is coming up...I already need some serious R&R.

      Tuesday, January 4, 2011

      First Day Back And It Feels Like I Hit A Brick Wall

      Oh how I love staying up ridiculously late during the break, only to force myself awake at practically a seminary time (you'd think after four years of going, I would have learned not to do that). Well, despite my lack of sleep and urge to pass out in every class, all my classes went well. My ASL teacher was sick, so class was cancelled. Sad for her, happy day for us (otherwise, I would have gotten up at 5:40 this morning)! I like all my professors right now. My Intro to Communication Disorders professor is hilarious and our class is in the Honors Building, so my friend, Alison, and I feel very smart and scholarly (haha). My weight training teacher is an old (and very in shape) man and he is absolutely adorable! He said, "Now all you single ladies, raise your hands (hands were raised). Now all you single guys out there, raise your hands (same thing). Now let me tell you, I have a high success rate of getting students to marry. I average about two marriages a year with students who met in my class." I laughed so hard!

      Now I also had my writing class. In this class, we're going to have to post homework assignments on our very own blogs (who knew I was already ahead of the game?). The question for today was to say what you want to do with your life. So here it goes!

      As far as professions go, I want to become a speech therapist for kids. I decided on this profession because I've always loved children (They all seem so innocent and happy. Its infectious) and I've always loved helping people. Why speech therapist? Well as human beings we rely on our ability to speak to one another and not completely on our body language. If I can help a child lose a stutter, or pronounce his w's, or just gain confidence in expressing himself, then I believe I have done my job. It feels like such a rewarding and fulfilling career, and I hope it all works out. 

      For the rest of my life, I have no idea what I want. I mean, I want to be a stay-at-home mom, of course. I've had both sides of the working-mom-side and the stay-at-home-mom-side, and I can honestly say that I enjoyed the stay at home mom better while I was growing up. I want to be there for my kids in every possible way. But other than that, the rest of my life still remains to be solved or planned or even thought up. But thank goodness I have the rest of my life to figure it out. 

      Assignment DONE. :]

      Monday, January 3, 2011

      Because My Dad Suggested More Blog Posts...

      I will try to write everyday. Even if its about nothing. You're getting what you asked for, Dad haha. Well everyone, Christmas Break is now over. It was good. I needed that little bit of time to see my family. Eh, by the end of the break, I was blown out from seeing friends...or lack of, depending on the person. But oh well. We'll all see each other in another four months.

      So last night was probably the worst packing experience ever. I ended up packing and repacking all my clothes/ was a mess and it required some Mom assistance. By the time 1:30 AM rolled around, we both were finished and slap happy and headed to bed.

      I ended up falling asleep around 3 AM. I woke up at 5. So literally, my last night's sleep was a nap. It was definitely rough getting up and out of bed/the house. But I got to the airport and breezed through security and got to my gate (I'm becoming a pro at navigating any airport, no matter how big or small). There I found my friend David. So I spent the rest of my time talking with him.

      After sleeping for around 2-3 hours on the plane and drinking/eating coke and cookies, I finally landed in Salt Lake and was picked up by my uncle, Chris. He asked about my break and my grades...when he found out my grades were similar to his back in his college days (he went when he was 26), he said, "boy, I don't feel so stupid now"...needless to say, I reminded him by saying, "you know, you just compared your 26 year old mind to a 19 year old females, right?".

      We picked up my aunt and cousins from a baby's blessing and headed to their home. When we got there, my aunt, Vickie, told me that there was pizza in the fridge if I wanted some. All of a sudden, I got instantly hungry. So after filling myself with pizza, I ended up crashing for 3 hours. When I woke up, we all headed to my uncle, John's, house (along with my cousins, Sam and Jordan) for dinner. I ended up eating a bunch of food...I then declared, "why am I eating so much? I don't understand!". My aunts reassured me that it was because of the jet lag and because my body is so tired. Due to the fact that they're nurses and they know their stuff, I'll take their word for it. I didn't feel too bad after that.

      Well, now I'm back at my dorm. My roommate and I caught up on all the holiday stories/dramas. It's good to be back...

      Things to do tomorrow (technically today, I guess):

      • Buy books
      • Do laundry
      • Let my cousin shop for groceries...I have too much money on my card 
      • Shop for necessities before life gets crazy
      • Exercise
      Well, that's all for now!

      Saturday, January 1, 2011

      2011: New Years

      New Years has always been an important reason to celebrate in my home. Its a time for clean slates, second chances and renewed resolutions. I always look forward to the new year...I think I got it from my mom. 

      An optimist stays up until midnight to see the New Year in. A pessimist stays up until midnight to make sure the old year leaves. ~ American Author Bill Vaughn

      Yesterday, New Year's Eve, I spent the night at my house. It was fun because I was with family and Court was also over. We watched movies and played Mario Kart on the Wii. And even though midnight had come (January 1st, 2011), we still stayed up and watched shows. All in all, a good night. 

      Today, the main event was dinner--our "lucky" dinner. Every year, our first dinner is always "lucky". What makes a dinner lucky? Well, we eat foods that are culturally lucky (in our heritage). So tonight we feasted on black eyed peas, sour kraut and pork and noodles for luck and long life. We also had mashed potatoes from the potato skins last night and brussel sprouts just because they're simply delicious (my dad did say that they're green, so maybe that'll mean more money...I guess we have a year to find out!). I also saw my family friends, the Egerers. It was so nice to see them and the puppies.

      Whats left: 
      • Packing
      • Possibly seeing people
      • Packing
      Fun stuff I forgot to mention/did:
      • Went to Taylor/Matthew's show. They were great, as well as the opening act, Cara Salimando.
      • Went to the D.C. Temple with my family.
      Well, Virginia, its been fun. Next time I blog, I'll be in Utah. Kind of excited to get a little more of my adult-like freedom back haha. But it was a good break. <3