Tuesday, November 15, 2011

28 day cycle.

today in new testament class, we were talking about the passover and how it is dependent on the full moon. we were also talking about the symbolism in life...then brother parker said something that was such an "aha" moment to me that i HAVE to share it, even if it may get a little awkward. here it goes (straight from my lecture book).

"Symbolism: At Passover the moon reflects the full light of the sun reflecting the full weight of the atonement. Israel escaped from bondage during a full moon (Passover). We escape bondage from sin through the full light of the atonement.

It takes a 28 day cycle for each full moon. A female's cycle takes 28 days to prepare her body for a new life to begin. In Rev. 12:7 (JST) the woman is the Church of God. The Lord uses symbols to remind us of things. Going to bed is a symbol of death. A waking each morning is a symbol of resurrection. The sun comes from the east. The Son of God will come from the east. A woman's 28 day cycle is a symbol of the lunar cycle which depicts the Atonement. A full moon reflects the full light of the sun. A woman's cycle reminds her she has the power of life which reflects the power of Godhood."

isn't that amazing? so much symbolism in every day life...and when you discover the hidden meanings behind things on a deeper level than what they appear to be, it makes life that much more beautiful.

just thought i should share.  :]

Monday, November 14, 2011

i'm a hopeless romantic at heart.

"Hold On" by Michael Buble

for some reason, i'm feeling like a hopeless romantic. usually, i try to suppress these thoughts (it usually takes me FOREVER to admit that i really like a guy...yes, i know i say "i'm in love with him" but really, i hope you all can read the lines and realize that i'm not really "in love with him" haha). but you know what, sometimes you cant help it and your heart goes off running before your mind can tell it to slow down...so only one of two things can happen:
  • my heart finally slows down and just stops with this nonsense
  • the feeling will be mutual
who knows if either will happen though.  

anyway, enjoy the song. i've already made up my mind that it will be played at my wedding (my husband will love it too...of course). i love the lyrics so much...i just want that so bad. and also michael makes me swoon, so the fact that he's singing it makes it THAT much better.

that is all. just a bit of random. :]

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

"Did You Just Liken the Scriptures to My Dating Life?"

I feel like lately the fantasticly perfect and horrid moments in my life deal with males. Since Monday I have had three separate guy moments--two perfect and one horrid. And I told them to my cousin, Lindsey, today and she was laughing hysterically the whole time and was like, "Megs, you HAVE to write these down in your journal or something. These are GREAT!" So guys, get ready. Here it comes.

Moment #1: Ice Cream Guy

So it was Monday night, around 9:40 PM. I had just taken a test in Geography & World Affairs and I didn't do so hot. Part of it was because I didn't study as much as I would have liked. Another part was because just moments before I went to the Testing Center, I couldn't find my ID card, so I panicked for a solid 10 minutes and luckily Michaela was in the library and printed off a copy of my ID. So I was a little frazzled. And another part is because when I got my test, the girl at the desk said, "Good luck--if you have time."...cool Girl-At-the-Desk. Thanks...but anyway, haha (tangent), I finally get home and open my door to find my two roommates, Jessie and Kristen, getting home taught by their home teachers. 

Me: Oh sorry guys!
Everyone: Oh that's okay!
Jessie: Hey, Meg, how'd your test go?
Me:....let's not talk about it haha
Ice Cream Guy/Home Teacher: I have some ice cream if you'd like some back at my apartment.
Me: Oh thanks (Ice Cream Guy), but no thank you.
ICG: Are you sure? 
Me: Yes, thanks anyway. But if I ever want ice cream, I know where to go, right? 

So after that, I leave them be and head off to my room. Moments later, the home teachers finally leave and I then take my art stuff and put it in the living room. But before I start, I go into Jessie/Kristen's room.

Me: Guys, that was so nice of ICG...I should've just said yes.
Jessie (who is a HOPELESS romantic): Want me to text him and just say bring it over anyway?
Me: Noooo. Moment's passed. But it was still nice.
Jessie: Well you never know. We taught them that sometimes when a girl says "no" she really means "yes"...but I don't think they were listening haha.

Then after that, we (the three of us) go into the living room and work on our homework...until we hear a knock. "Come in!" we said...and in comes ICG with a bucket of ice cream and plastic spoons. (!!!!) Basically the whole time he was over, Jessie and Kristen would "subtly" wink at me haha. Then when ICG eventually left....

Me: Thanks ICG again for the ice cream! That was so nice of you.
ICG: No problem. I hope whatever bad thing happened is better now.

...how precious. I'm a sucker for kind, thoughtful guys. Jessie thinks he likes me (and same with Tony from my art class, who said, "my time is precious, and if I didn't like a girl, I wouldn't waste it on bringing her ice cream"). So I don't know. Are my roommates (and Tony) blowing it out of proportion? Oh well...he was still sweet.  :]

Moment #2: Ian Desmond

Now for those of you who do not know the Washington Nationals baseball roster, Ian Desmond is one of their players and also the one who stole my heart when I went to their game over the summer. So Michaela and I nicknamed a certain crush of mine after this baseball player...wink wink.

So yesterday, I was waiting for Devotional to start in my classroom. Then all of a sudden, Ian Desmond comes up to me and asks if he can sit next to me. Naturally I said yes. So then we talk about pretty much everything, and then when the audio wasn't working in our classroom, we walked to another classroom to watch devotional (can I just add that he's a GIANT when we walk together?). So then when devotional is over, we head back to our class and I guess he thought the seat that had my backpack in it originally was still saved, and Michaela was already there sitting where he originally sat, so Ian sat on the other side of Michaela (awk). So I didn't talk to him in class...BUT.

Then my friend, Jordan, walks in and sits next to me and Michaela and I find out that he's in the BYU Celtic band or whatever and that there was a concert this Thursday. So fast forward to the end of class, I asked Michaela if she wanted to go. She said sure. So then I turned and asked Ian (one, because I figured that if we hung out of class, SOMETHING would happen; two, because we went from talking a ton to not at all and I could NOT let it end on an abrupt silent note) and said...

Me: Hey Ian, what are you doing Thursday? Would you like to join us?
Ian: I was actually thinking about what I had Thursday...let me check...(opens planner). Oh darn, I actually have home teaching.
Bro. Parker (who apparently overheard haha): Ian, it's not even the end of the month...
Ian: Oh yeah, but with Thanksgiving and traveling, it had to be done on Thursday.
Me: Ian, it's okay. Its a good-better-best situation and clearly, you're picking the best situation haha.
Ian: Oh yeah, for sure!
Me: Well then we'll just have to hang out another time.
Ian: Yeah, definitely. *insert sexy wink here*

I died. My hear literally popped out of my chest...no big deal though, right?

Moment #3:  If I Was Born In the 80s. 

I'm going to spare some embarrassing details for this guy's sake. Basically I was asked out by this older guy (by a little over a decade)...and I was kinda panicking. Well not asked out right then, but I knew it was coming, because he left a Facebook message, a text AND a voice mail message on my phone. Why the sudden attention? Well, he asked out my roommate, but my roommate without thinking, pulled an "Inception" and planted the idea that he should ask me instead haha. Like holy cow, how do you shut this down as gracefully as possible? So I asked a couple of people.

My friend, Jared, said: Pretend to have a boyfriend. 

There are so many ways this could potentially backfire on me. Next.

Michaela said:

Actually I'm not going to say, because if I wrote it down, it would kind of give this guy away haha.

Dad (who left a meeting to talk to me, LOVE YOU DAD!) said: Just be completely honest. Say, "I'm really flattered, but I really-I really....I-I-I...."....hmmmm. Actually say that, and then stutter after "but" and he might leave you alone. 

Good advice, Dad. SOLID.  :]

Mom said: Megan, just be honest and maybe even pray about it so you'll know what to say. (Then I told her I was worried and scared to say 'no')...well, 'be strong and of a good courage', Megan. You can do it.
Me: Did you just liken the scriptures to my dating life?
Mom: Well, yeah, the scriptures can be applied to any aspect of our lives so why not dating haha.

Moms always know what to say, right? At least my mom does. Thanks, Mom!  :]

Anyway, long story short...when the guy asked me if I was busy Saturday night, I said yes, because I actually was! Perfect. 

PS: This song was actually going through my head today, because of the whole age thing...it's kinda the opposite problem that I have (had?). But it's still great. And it's from my friend, Taylor Berrett. You all should love him.

"Born in the 80s" by Taylor Berrett