Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Having People Read Your Blog To Keep Up With Your Life Makes You Feel Like a Celebrity

Let's see...last time I wrote was Thursday. Lots has happened since then. Here we go!

Friday ended up being a long day/night...but in a good way. It started off rough, but with good friends, it got better. I had lunch with Sammi and Miles...they asked me out on a date haha. And we watched "Corpse Bride" and later went to see "Salt" with Jonni, Alison L. and Michael F. It was so good. I did not see the ending coming at all haha. Then we walked two miles to some park near Provo Temple. We just sat there and talked and sometime in the morning we headed back home.

Saturday consisted of laundry and watching "The Pursuit of Happyness" for my essay. Then I went to my Uncle John and Aunt Cindy's to celebrate Uncle John's birthday. Home-made pizza and root beer were on the menu. Delicious. All the cousins were there, as well as Grandma! Then Sam and I left to go to a party...which I didn't go to. Alison L, Jonni, Stephanie and Michael F went though...Sam and I felt like watching a chick flick...we were too tired to dance.

Sunday I had to get up so early for a Visiting Teaching meeting. Following the meeting, I made some hand-outs for the Visiting Teaching Supervisors, went to the hall meeting, and went back to's Sunday mornings like that that made me grateful for 1:30 church. Following church and dinner, I hung out with Alison L, Jonni, Michael F. and Jonni's friend Emily. Despite the lobby hours, we still hung out (minus Emily) under the bike rack...sometime in the morning there was a freak of nature rainstorm. It was practically going sideways.

Monday dealt with normal classes. I went to a Fitness and Lifestyle Management review. I worked out. I went to FHE. AND I got a small package in the mail. My friend had given me a few CDs and wrote me a made my day. Even though that day was pretty much the same as normal, it was incredibly stressful and that package made the whole stress of the day worth it. Thanks, friend. :]

Tuesday was rough. Fitness and Lifestyle Management is now giving lectures on emergency procedures and first aid...let's just say the visuals are too graphic for my body to handle. I nearly passed out...several times in class. It got to a point where I wrote, "Get notes from Miles", because I had to put my head down...the instructor even gave a "mini-lecture" on how to prevent passing out before he started the actual lecture...yup, it was that bad. After that class, I worked on my essay. Then I had math. And then, I met up with my peer took too long for my taste, but she's nice. Then I headed to math lab, where four problems on the homework and a quiz took me a stinkin' hour to finish. Darn those questions that have multiple answers. But then I went to the nursing home--made my day! I was told "you're so pretty" at least ten times. They're so sweet...this lady, Geri, asked if I had a boyfriend. I told her I didn't. Her response--well what's wrong with them?! Haha, oh Geri, I have no idea. :P And it snowed! Just throwing that out there.

Wednesday. Today! First off, this morning, it was covered with snow! It was incredible! I had classes like normal. My Book of Mormon homework had a malfunction though, so I had to print it off and hand it in...thankfully, my teacher is very understanding. Then I went to the Review Room for American Heritage to review my essay...fifty minutes later, I still was not seen by a TA (Teacher's Assistant) and some guy who had waited ten minutes got seen for me. I had my hand up and everything...three TAs passed me. That moment was the last straw for me, so I left. But then I remembered--my RA (Resident Assistant?) LOVES editing essays. She helped me several times and now my essay is beast. Who needs TAs when you can have an RA like mine? Thanks Amy!

Tomorrow's agenda--classes, another Fitness and Lifestyle Management review, intramural basketball game with Stephanie, and possibly buy snow boots. Who knew I'd need them in October? Bye for now!

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