Thursday, August 26, 2010

Sticker Shock, Check-Ins, and NSO--So Many Things To Do!

First off, I would like to apologize to the blog stalkers (haha, just kidding family and friends!), turns out you need a special cord to get on the there's a lot of stuff to catch up on! So let's start with the day before yesterday! :]

The day before yesterday (Tuesday) was another sticker shock day. Honestly, you think tuition and housing and meal plans are crazy expensive...add books and more supplies (yes, our first day wasn't quite sufficient for the demand of college life and preparation) and you feel like you're digging yourself into a pit that could soon make you unable to get yourself out. Debt? No...not yet. But it does make one slightly worried. I went to a Financial Survivor lecture today and the lady said, "It is socially acceptable to be below poverty level as a college student". Truer words were never spoken. :P haha

Yesterday was check-in day. Talk about long and exhausting. We (Mom, cousin Bailey and I) got into my hall and spent four hours organizing and sanitizing and whatnot. Later Aunt Karen joined in. It was getting a little crazy haha. But we finished and my room looks great! Thanks everyone! :]

Today was the first day of NSO (New Student Orientation). Honestly, it seemed way "EFY-ish" to me haha. Not that EFY is a bad thing (trust me, I loved EFY), but I don't seemed a bit much in my opinion. But the most useful thing (for me) was the financial lecture meeting thing (yes, Mom, I did go! haha). Very informative. After all that jazz, my cousin Lindsey picked up my friends Alison L. and Miles and took us over to our friend Sammi's house. We then went to dinner and (Alison and I) walked back home. Alison and I learned to one, get better acquainted with the campus (We got lost haha. Thank you, random biker who gave excellent directions!) and to not walk back from Sammi's house when the sun is setting...haha lessons learned.

Tomorrow's agenda: NSO...and who knows what else after that.

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