Monday, August 23, 2010

Knowledge Is Power, But It Comes At A Price

Today was the biggest "sticker shock" day of my life. I had to buy my books, my packets, my pedometer, my Iclicker. I had to buy laundry soap, bed sheets, hangers, dorm room supplies galore. I had to buy new glasses. Something I learned very quickly was that money goes fast! And the sad thing is that we're still not done.

But lucky for me, there were some new bits of "knowledge" that were free. Aunt Karen decided to give me a hair lesson and make-up lesson after my trim. Not to toot my own horn, but once she was done, I looked good haha. Now hopefully I'll be able to maintain it! Another tid bit--my throat started hurting...slightly paranoid that it was strep throat or something, I was worried. But Aunt Karen whipped out her special oils and prepared a remedy that could cure whatever was in my body and just to be safe, she wrapped cabbage around my throat (after putting some essential oils on) and told me to have it on for 45 minutes. "It'll hurt like the demons," she said, "but it works." And she's right. It feels like my throat is on fire. But if it works as much as it hurts, then I'm sure I'll be fine.

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