Sunday, August 22, 2010

Rolled, Sprained, or Twisted, Doesn't Matter What It Is, It Hurts

Literally ten mintues before we were going to go to the family dinner, I was going to take out Uncle John's dog. His dog is a big dog and as I was going out the door, so was she. The combination of the dog blocking my sight and my weak perscription in my glasses made me mistake the step for a flat porch. One second you saw me, the next you heard a big boom with me on the floor. My ankle failed me haha. It hurt a lot, but it wasn't bad enough that I couldn't walk. So we all got in the car and drove to Aunt Karen's and Uncle Bob's house, where I grabbed some ice and wrapped it around my ankle and did "RICE". Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation. This required me to lay on the floor and prop my foot on a couch armrest. I was quite the party pooper haha.

But, on the brightside, the food was delicious and the company was good. Mmmmm. Nothin' better, my friends.

Tomorrow's agenda: heading out to BYU to buy books and get my ID; order glasses; get hair trimmed; get school supplies. Very hectic.

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