Hey all!
I'm in Provo. Woot, woo. Just moved into my apartment (sort of) with the help of my lovely cousin, Sam. Realized I have no food or pots to cook the food I do have. It's an efficient way to get skinny fast, I guess. Grocery shopping is definitely on the to-do list.
So far, I've bought some books and taken a typing office test thing. Had lunch with my friend, Alison L (you all remember her?) and went up to campus/spent most of the day with her. Saw my friend, Jimmy (newbie freshman!) and new friend, Connor (we were actually Facebook friends but I deleted him...and he called me out on it haha). Saw my cousin, Lindsay. Just a good day for seeing people.
Oh and just for the sake of posterity or popularity, before I left Virginia, THERE WAS AN EARTHQUAKE! Crazy, huh? First earthquake I've ever experienced haha...hope it's my last!
Anyway, that is all for now. Peace.
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