Last week was probably the longest week I've had in ages. Work was slow, I was exhausted from late nights of doing more work...basically Friday couldn't have come any sooner. And Fridays are usually my come-home-early days. On this particular Friday I got home around 4 and just as I was turning onto our street, I saw Hailey walking home from the bus stop.
"Hop in!" I told her.
"Actually, just hop on the back. This will be faster."
So Dumb and Dumber (aka myself and Hailey) drove down the street. I was going 5 mph down the street, Hailey was holding on fine...she even did a fist pump in the air. Yup, everything was going smoothly until I had to turn in the cul-de-sac.
Now you might be surprised by this, but I actually got an A in Physics back in high school (I love how I say like that's a long time ago). So really, I should have remembered about centripetal forces and angles and all that jazz. But I didn't and as I turned, the centripetal force was so strong (and Hailey's boots were so slick) that she flew right off the jeep and landed flat on her back.
When I saw Hailey out of the rear-view mirror, I can honestly say I was terrified. So I turned off the car and ran to her and tried to help her up. Yes, she was crying and yes, I felt a huge amount of guilt and worry. I've watched enough Grey's Anatomy episodes to know that brains are not indestructible. A person could get a brain bleed, hemorrhage and die. And my brain tends to go to worse case scenarios and that's honest to goodness what I was thinking.
I can honestly say, that my internet searching didn't comfort me much. Hailey and I looked up Traumatic Brain Injuries symptoms and Whiplash symptoms. Basically the same as far as dizziness and headaches are concerned (obviously) but Hailey and I did laugh when it said that TBI victims can experience faulty judgement...maybe we already had one due to a stressful week haha.
But luckily, the doctors confirmed it was just whiplash and there would be no permanent damage. And thank goodness everything turned out the way it definitely could have been worse. Now Hailey and I just laugh about it. We're calling ourselves stuntwomen, or we blame Rebecca Black for getting us so excited about Friday, or joke about how we're going to tell our kids the dangers of driving a jeep when you're too excited.
Now for the extra:
- I went to King's Dominion for the first time. I went CRAZY! I love amusement parks.
- I had another terrifying jeep experience. Thanks to the unexpected rain, I drove back home from work and had wind and rain shoot through the "windows" (top was on, windows were off) and then I hydroplaned. Didn't crash. I'm the luckiest unlucky person in the world. Seriously, I could write a book about my crazy jeep experiences. I would call it "Jeep Wranglers: Vehicles Not Meant For the Faint at Heart".
- I got a letter from my friend who's on a mission in Uruguay.
All in all, a good week...but I'm glad it's over.
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