Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 27 & 28

Day 27 - Why are you doing this 30 day challenge?

I am doing the challenge because I was tired of giving an update of my life...which I find boring, so who wants to read about a boring life? That's really it. Change was needed, and not the Obama kind.

Day 28 - A picture of you in the last year and now, how have you changed since then?

Last year...


Words that come to mind when I look at these pictures--I was very childish last year. I still am now, but I think it is more of a crazy childish if that makes sense. I'm definitely more responsible...I think you have to be to survive college. Being responsible really isn't an option. I look the same, but the inside is slightly different. I think my inside is still dealing with being away from home (I know, so lame, it's been almost a whole school year and I'm still not over it). I long for my family...its like my heart is always in this constant yearning. I also miss the diversity of home...I can't help but miss being one of the few Mormons where I lived (never knew I'd say that haha). But I've come to realize that I grow better in opposition. Opposition has made me fear falling away from the church and that fear made me so dependent on God. Some people sink in that kind of environment but the more I think about my life back home, the more I realized that I thrive in that environment. Not to say that I'm not at BYU, but I just miss that environment, shocking as that sounds.

These pictures captivate my physical being--the smiles, the squinty Asian eyes that are brought out when I smile too big or it's dark outside, the silly things I do like run through a monsoon or climb trees for the heck of it. But that's all these pictures tell. It doesn't tell you that I have been stretched beyond my limits, molded to a more responsible almost-adult (because I still don't really feel like one), and grown to be more appreciative of all the things that I have and have had in my life. 

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