Teach Me How to Jimmer
Now for my Single Awareness Day...Yesterday was quite excellent. To celebrate "singledom", Alison, Michaela (even though she has a boyfriend haha) and I watched The Ring and cuddled with our pillows when it got too scary. When we finished, we were terrified so we watched a Modern Family episode to make us laugh and set our minds at ease. All in all, it was a good V-Day.
Other note-worthy moments--I got 6 letters from home today (yes, the pun was intended haha). Every single note mentioned something about a relationship status, just throwing that out there. I didn't realize the possibility of me getting married was on everyone's mind! haha But they all made me laugh and it was just what I needed. Thanks family!
Haha I must say I loved the Jimmer video! Good find! I feel like he's handling all the publicity well.
Haha yeah. I love Jimmer...he seems like such a great guy for almost all of BYU/people outside of BYU adoring him.