Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Proud Member of the "We Love Jimmer" Bandwagon

I love Jimmer Fredette. I saw this video on someone's Facebook and honestly, it made me love him even more. He is amazing...the Steve Young of BYU Basketball. I love him so much, I want a full size poster of him! I think he is that wonderful. Here's the link for you to all convert to my view of Jimmer. Enjoy (oh and here's also another link for you to enjoy about Jimmer...kind of sacrilegious, but it's quite funny at the same time: http://dreamcatchermedia.com/jimmered).

Teach Me How to Jimmer

Now for my Single Awareness Day...Yesterday was quite excellent. To celebrate "singledom", Alison, Michaela (even though she has a boyfriend haha) and I watched The Ring and cuddled with our pillows when it got too scary. When we finished, we were terrified so we watched a Modern Family episode to make us laugh and set our minds at ease. All in all, it was a good V-Day.

Other note-worthy moments--I got 6 letters from home today (yes, the pun was intended haha). Every single note mentioned something about a relationship status, just throwing that out there. I didn't realize the possibility of me getting married was on everyone's mind! haha But they all made me laugh and it was just what I needed. Thanks family!


  1. Haha I must say I loved the Jimmer video! Good find! I feel like he's handling all the publicity well.


  2. Haha yeah. I love Jimmer...he seems like such a great guy for almost all of BYU/people outside of BYU adoring him.
