Tuesday, January 11, 2011

OpEd Purpose Statement

As I explained in an earlier blog post, my topic is on Facebook and Facebook friendships. I, the speaker, think that BYU students (or students in general--the audience) should reevaluate their perception on friendship and delete unnecessary Facebook friends. This problem of friending everyone and anyone we associate with needs to stop--Facebook has promoted stalking and unmeaningful relationships. As far as the rhetoric cycle is concerned, I think it is still in an origin stage--it has never been talked about amongst people our age (more of older people and our use of technology). But I do feel that if it is addressed, people will reevaluate their idea of "friendship" and "Facebook" and the correlation between the two. It has the potential to be kairotic. Counterarguments may be that you need to communicate with someone you aren't friends with--that is fine. Its when you don't associate with the person for pleasure or a specific purpose and yet find the need to know things about their life that's the problem. 


  1. I already told you this after class I think, but this is a great topic. I like how you've zoomed in on this specific aspect of Facebook rather than discussing the network in general. There is definitely something to be said for friending people you don't personally know. And, as far as people who advocate making friends with people you don't know, that's almost always more efficiently (and safely) done in person rather than online. An interesting topic!


  2. Thank you! I just think its become an increasing problem, especially with me being so far away from home and not seeing the high school people all the time. Who wants or needs hundreds of stalkers anyway? haha


  3. Wow this is such a good topic. I totally agree with you. It's definitely important to actually know the people you are "friends" with on Facebook haha.

  4. I just detoxed my friends list and almost cut it in half, such a nice feeling. It's sad how we can learn everything about a person before actually talking with them. Interesting Topic!


  5. Thanks guys! Don't Facebook detoxes feel great?! haha :]
